ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Data Journal

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Anhysteretic superelastic behaviour in Shape Memory alloys at transcritical temperatures

Abstract: Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) are a special kind of active materials in which the martensitic transformation (MT) is the basis of the peculiar superelastic, and shape memory effects of great interest for technical applications.In a recent work, by studying a tensile stress-induced MT in a Ni-Fe(Co)-Ga crystal we discovered a new phenomenon consisting in unusual anhysteretic superelastic behaviour associated with a very large strain equal to about 14% at above a critical temperature value.With a diffraction experiment covering the full sample volume under stress, we would definitively clarify the microscopic mechanism responsible for the unusual superelastic behavior.The experiment will show if the model is valid for describing this unusual behaviour and will give a sound basis for applying this theory to similar alloys with applications in solid state refrigeration.

Principal Investigator: Dr Volodymyr Chernenko
Experimenter: Dr Jose Manuel Barandiaran
Local Contact: Dr Saurabh Kabra
Experimenter: Mrs Anabel Pérez
Experimenter: Dr Jorge Feuchtwanger

DOI: 10.5286/ISIS.E.RB1610102

ISIS Experiment Number: RB1610102

Part DOI Instrument Public release date Download Link
10.5286/ISIS.E.73942983 ENGINX 08 March 2019 Download

Publisher: STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Source

Data format: RAW/Nexus
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The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is as:
[author], [date], [title], [publisher], [doi]

For Example:
Dr Volodymyr Chernenko et al; (2016): Anhysteretic superelastic behaviour in Shape Memory alloys at transcritical temperatures, STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Source,


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