ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Data Journal

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Investigating the effect of framework structure and Si/Al ratio on the diffusion of branched alkanes in zeolite Y and ZSM-5

Abstract: The diffusion coefficients of 2-methylhexane and 2,5-dimethylhexane in industrially important zeolites ZSM-5 and Y will be measured using quasi-elastic neutron scattering in order to investigate the effect of both the degree of branching and the framework topology on the diffusion behaviour of larger volume branched alkanes. The effect of the zeolite Si/Al ratio will also be studied as the zeolite samples will have Si/Al ratios of 30 and 80, because the presence of charge compensating ions and differing distribution of framework charge has been shown to affect the diffusion behaviour significantly. The aim of the study is to investigate the above variables systematically thus assessing their relative significance . The diffusivities obtained will be compared with molecular dynamics simulations performed at UCL, giving an insight into routine processes of the petrochemical industry.

Public release date: 14 October 2016

Principal Investigator: Professor Richard Catlow
Experimenter: Mr Wilm Jones
Experimenter: Professor Stewart Parker
Experimenter: Dr Nikolaos Dimitratos
Experimenter: Dr Peter Wells
Experimenter: Dr Alexander O'Malley
Experimenter: Dr Ian Silverwood

DOI: 10.5286/ISIS.E.42588597

ISIS Experiment Number: RB1310046

Part Number: 1

Date of Experiment: 10 October 2013

Publisher: STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Source

Data format: RAW/Nexus
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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is as:
[author], [date], [title], [publisher], [doi]

For Example:
Professor Richard Catlow et al; (2013): Investigating the effect of framework structure and Si/Al ratio on the diffusion of branched alkanes in zeolite Y and ZSM-5, STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Source,


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